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Page updated Feb 15, 2021

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Page identification -
Tips for alternating information on even and odd (or odd and even) pages

Tip #1 - How to create alternating page identification in headers or footers

Two headers and two footers are provided with WordPerfect: Header A, Header B, Footer A, and Footer B. You can use them in pairs (i.e., Header A with Header B, and/or Footer A with Footer B) to create "alternating page" identification.


¤  For more details about creating and using Headers and Footers (and Watermarks) see here.)
¤  See also Tip #2 below on how to create a third type of "header" or "footer" for additional identifying information.


The top of all odd-numbered pages could have an identifier on it in the upper right, like this:


  Introduction | 1


 It was a dark and stormy night ...

On even-numbered pages the identifier (here, page number and text in reverse left-right order) would be on the upper left, like this:

 2 | My Life Story


and then daylight came ...

Introduction | 3


 and so on and so forth ...

• • •

You can change identifiers at various points in the document by
replacing the Header (or Footer if used) with a new version containing
different text (and restart page numbering if desired). See tips below.

Here's how to do it


In this example we use Header A for the right-hand (recto) pages, which we assume will always be an odd number, and Header B for the left-hand (verso) pages (even numbers). Of course, you can use either header for odd-numbered pages and the other header even-numbered pages. As noted, you can also use footers for page numbering.

Related page numbering information

Since you will be using page numbers inside headers (or footers), you probably will not want to also have numbers show up in any of the standard page numbering locations (e.g., at the bottom center of the page). Thus, you should turn standard page numbering off when using page numbering inside headers or footers with Format, Page Numbering, Position: <No page numbering>. Otherwise you will get two numbers on each page, one in the header (or footer) and one on the page itself. (Tip: If you want to use "Page X of Y" numbering inside headers or footers see the method here.)


First: Create Header A.

1. Go to the top of your document (or the page where you want to start the headers, such as the beginning of a chapter), and create Header A with Insert, Header/Footer, <select Header A>, Create.

2. Right-justify the header's contents: Click on Format, Justification (or use the justification button on the Text property bar).

3. Add the header's text (e.g., "Introduction") and a spacer (e.g., "|" or perhaps a few spaces or a tab).

4. Insert a page number code with Format, Page, Insert page number, <select the page number format>, Insert, Close. A page number should appear at the cursor location. (For more on page numbering see Page Numbering in WordPerfect.)

    ... Keep the cursor inside the header and ...

5. Set Header A's placement to Odd pages: On the Header/Footer property bar * that appears when you are inside a header, click the Header/Footer Placement button [see image]; this lets you set the placement to odd, even, or every page. Set it to Odd pages.   

Important note: If the Header/Footer property bar does not appear, it may have been hidden from view. See more information about these bars here (and information about customizing them here).

6. Click outside the header (or press <Esc>) to return to the main document area.

Next: Create Header B.

7. Go to the the same location in the document where you just created Header A and create Header B with Insert, Header/Footer, <select Header B>, Create.

Tip: Headers (and Footers) overlay each other, like the transparencies used on an overhead projector. Be careful that the material in one type of Header (or Footer) doesn't appear on top of the material in the other Header (or Footer). You can always add a hard return or two with the <Enter> key when composing the Header or Footer, to offset one from the other. You can also use Format, Typesetting, Advance to precisely position the material inside a Header or Footer.)

8. Left-justify the header's contents: Click on Format, Justification (or use the justification button on the Text property bar).

9. Insert the page number code, spacer, and header text (e.g., "My Life Story") -- i.e., the opposite order of items from those used in Header A.

   ... Keep the cursor inside the header and ...

10. Set the placement of Header B to Even pages with the Header/Footer Placement button.

11. Click outside the header (or press <Esc>) to return to the main document area.

Tip: If you need different page identification on a subsequent section of the document:

You can repeat the above steps starting on the page where the new identification should begin. Note that creating new headers (or footers) of the same type (A or B) will simply discontinue (but not remove) prior existing headers or footers of the same type. This is why you need to create new alternating headers (or footers) for each document section, since editing an existing header (or footer) changes the displayed information backward as well as forward from the point where you clicked in the header (or footer) to edit it.

See HeadFootWM.html on this site for more on these (and related) topics.

Related tips

☼  You can, of course, use odd/even footers instead of -- or in addition to -- odd/even headers.

☼  The [Header] (or [Footer]) codes containing your page identification and placement that were created with the above procedure can be selected (in Reveal Codes) and turned into QuickWords for use in future documents or in various sections of a document. This makes them easy to insert with a few keystrokes, and once inserted, their content can be edited by clicking in the header (or footer).

☼  You can record the above steps in a macro (Tools, Macro, Record). If you need to change the text portion later, simply open the macro like any WordPerfect document and revise the text inside the two Type() commands. Then click on Save & Compile on the macro toolbar that will be displayed.

☼  You might want to start, stop, suppress, change, replace, delay, overlay, or remove any headers, footers, or watermarks. See HeadFootWM.html on this site.

☼  Do you need to create page numbering for Chapters or Sections like that found in many books? That is, do you need to create a page number at the bottom of the first page of a chapter or section with remaining page numbers at the top of subsequent pages? See Page Numbering in Books.

See the Library for several macros that can add special formatting to odd/even page setups. For example:

DYNAHEAD - Dynamic headers (also known as "floating headers" or "running heads") that change with the content of each page.

- A macro that changes the outside page margins of alternating pages in a document to a wider setting, similar to the appearance of many nonfiction books that have large amounts of "white space" outside the main text area.

Tip #2 - How to create a third type of "header" or "footer" for additional identifying information

For example, you could place a copyright notice on every page in a specific fixed location, and still use the even-odd, dual header technique described in Tip 1. This would produce pages like this:

© Copyright 2017

6 | Chapter 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

© Copyright 2017

Using Macros | 7

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

There are two ways to do it

Watermark Method

Use a watermark (Insert, Watermark, Create/Edit either A or B) containing the desired word or phrase.

While creating (or editing) the watermark, set the watermark's shading to 100% using the button on the watermark property bar that displays while you are inside a watermark.

The watermark's contents can be positioned to simulate a third header (or footer) in the document (see example above).

Note that a watermark, like a header (or footer), is a "repeating element" which remains in effect until discontinued or replaced by another watermark of the same type (A or B). For more on watermarks see here.

Page Numbering Method

If you use page numbering inside one of your headers or footers, or even if you don't use any page numbering, you can use WordPerfect's normal page numbering feature to create something similar to a "Header C" or "Footer C."

This idea is most useful if you have used Header A and Header B (or Footer A and Footer B) in the alternating even-odd page fashion described above, and you need one more Headers (or Footers) to appear in the same location on all pages, such as the copyright notice in the above example. The new structure will appear on every page in the selected location, while the material in the other two structures will alternate location depending on whether the page is odd or even numbered.

You can create this new effect with WordPerfect's page numbering feature. Normal page numbering (Format, Page, Numbering) causes numbers (with an optional bit of text) to appear inside the page margins, just like Headers and Footers. You can simply create a custom format without the page number. This will perform much like a new type of Header or Footer -- in effect, producing a "C" variety of these structures.

Here's how:

1. Click Format, Page, Numbering.

2. Choose a position from the drop list (e.g., Bottom Center).

3. Choose a font with the Font button.

4. Click on the Custom Format button.

5. Delete the page number code in the format field, and enter your text (e.g., © Copyright 2012 by John Q. Smith). You can even enter symbols with <Ctrl+W>.

6. Click OK twice to return to the document.

If you want to suppress this new item on a page, use Format, Page, Suppress, Page numbering.

Note that you may need to adjust material inside Header A and Header B (or Footer A and Footer B) so that the header or footer will not interfere with existing headers or footers. You can make the new structure's font smaller and/or adjust the postion of the material in the other headers or footers (see the tip in the section above).