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Barry MacDonnell's
Toolbox for WordPerfect

Macros, tips, and templates for Corel® WordPerfect® for Windows®
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Page updated Mar 22, 2022

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Stamping documents -

Creating "
DRAFT," "COPY," "CONFIDENTIAL" or other identification stamps on the pages of a document

Related pages -

•  Rotating text in 90-degree increments or to intermediate angles (e.g., 30 or 45 degrees)

There are several ways to "stamp" the same text on each page (or a range of pages) of a document.

Some are individual methods and some are combinations of more than one method.

Aside from considering the advantages and disadvantages of each item below, which one you use is likely to be a matter of personal choice:
•  Headers and Footers
•  Text Boxes, Graphic Images, and Table Cells
•  Watermarks
•  Macros
•  QuickWords
•  Styles
•  Third party utilities

Headers and Footers

This is the most basic method, often used for the current date, page number, chapter number, company name, filename, etc.

Headers and/or footers are created with Insert, Header/Footer.

You can place text, tables, and/or graphics in one of the two Header types (A or B) or one of the two Footer types (A or B). Since these are "repeating elements," they will show up on the current page and following pages (unless replaced by another header or footer of the same type).

Moreover, headers and footers can be discontinued (stopped) at any point in the document with Insert, Header/Footer ... Discontinue. They also can be deleted by dragging the [Header] or [Footer] code from the Reveal Codes screen (or using the Delete key in Reveal Codes).


☼  For more detailed information about these items see "Headers, Footers, and Watermarks - how to start, stop, suppress, edit, change, replace, delay, overlay, and remove them" on this page.

☼  You can use a QuickWord to quickly insert the text and/or graphic into the header or footer.

☼  Advanced users might try using a macro to insert a graphic image into the header or footer in the desired format (see Footnote 1 below).

Blue dot Advantages: Information is easily inserted in a header or footer. This is a common technique, often used and easily learned. [Microsoft Word users: Headers and footers in WordPerfect differ from those in Word. You might want to review the aforementioned page on headers and footers: see here.]

Blue dot Disadvantages: Information can become superimposed on the header or footer of the other type (A or B) if both are used in the document. Headers (and Footers) use the same screen "real estate," so you may need to offset one or the other (A or B) if using two headers or two footers on the same page(s). You can move the information elsewhere in one of the existing header (or footer) types with additional blank lines (Enter key) or spaces, or with a specific Format, Typesetting, Advance command. 


☼  Unlike some of the other items described below, these elements exist only at the top and bottom of each page -- not to mention they take up space you might want for body text, unless you set top and bottom page margins to compensate. (Try dragging them toward the page edges to make more room for body text.)

☼  To use the area outside the page margins (i.e., between the margin guidelines and the edges of the page), or any other spot on the page, you can use a text (or graphics) box and place it where needed. (See next section.) You can put the box directly on the page along with your document text, or insert it in an underlying watermark where it will show up on all pages from that point forward in the document.

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Text Boxes, Graphic Images, and Table Cells

There are several ways you can "stamp" your document using a text box, graphic image, or WordPerfect table.

These items can be 

•  used on just one page, or
•  placed on several specific pages, or
•  used in a watermark (see the next section below) so they show up as a background image on all (or a range of) pages.

Here are some methods, in no particular order of preference:
Method A - Text Box 

•  Create a text box (Insert, Text Box), either directly on the current page or inside a watermark (insert, Watermark).

- You can then type or paste some text (or symbols) into the text box.

- Or you can select some material first, then use Insert, Text Box to automatically place the selection in the text box.

When the cursor is over the selected box and changes to a 4-headed arrow, you can then click-drag the box to a different position. (You can do this later by dragging the mouse or specifying the exact position from the context menu: see the next paragraphs.)

•  For several other options you can use the text box's context menu:

- Click anywhere outside the box to return to the document (or watermark) window.

- Then right-click on the box. You should see 8 solid black square "drag handles" appear around the box's perimeter. The context menu also appears:
Text box context menu
Text Box tips

☼  You can choose to Edit the Box contents from the menu

☼  Using Select Box lets you easily drag and resize the box with your mouse.

☼  You can choose an exact Position and then select Attach to Page, which will let you drag the box outside the page margins (the spaces between page margin guidelines and the printer's non-printing area along the edges of the page) later, if you need to make adjustmetns.

☼  If you choose Content, the Box Content dialog appears with additional options, including specifying the Content position of text inside the box (Horizontal and/or Vertical), and the Rotation the text box (in 90 degree increments).

[Related tips: See also the tip below for instructions on how to create your own rotated text box. See also here for "upside down" text.]

☼  Note the other options when you right-click on a text box, which includes Size, Border/Fill (and internal/external spacing), Wrap (around or behind) text, and so forth.

☼  See also several macros in the section below that can create and insert a text box in one step. For example you can create a text box with rounded corners with the TextBox macro in the Library.

☼  See a QuickWords method below (in Footnote 4) to produce small text boxes outside the left margin, each anchored to a specific paragraph so that it will "travel" with the paragraph if you add or delete other material.

•  Note that if you are working inside a watermark window, you can close that window and return to the main document window with the Close button on the watermark toolbar (or just use File, Close to close that window). [For more on watermarks see here.]

Method B - Existing Graphic Image

Insert an existing graphic image (Insert, Graphics/Pictures) directly on the current page -or- inside a watermark (see the tip below).

Method C - New Graphic Image 

Create a new, "behind-the-text" graphic image with WordPerfect Office's Presentations (or other graphics program) that can be used to stamp the current page, or that can be placed inside a watermark. [Presentations is part of most editions of WordPerfect Office.]

For a step-by-step example see the tip below.

Method D - Table Cell  

Use a single cell WordPerfect table with text (even diagonally rotated text: see Footnote 3).

Related tips 

☼  If you use a watermark (see below) to contain these items, it will not only show up on the current and subsequent pages, but you can control the "intensity" of the stamp very easily with a button on the watermark property bar (this property bar is displayed when you are creating or editing a watermark).

☼  Rotated and circular stamps:  Use TextArt (Insert, Graphics/Pictures, TextArt) to create a rotated text stamp. To use TextArt to create a circular stamp of words on the page, see Footnote 2 below. (The same TextArt module can, of course, create diagonal and other types of stamps.)  You could also use a single cell table with text inside a skewed cell (see example in Footnote 3 below), or even use the program's Equation Editor (see Footnote 1 on the "Rotating text..." page here).

☼  To save these items for the future:

- You can use the QuickWords or Styles method (below) to save your stamp so that you can quickly use it in future documents.

- A small macro can be recorded to insert an existing image on disk [record it using Insert, Graphics, From File]. The macro can then be played with a keystroke or from a toolbar or menu. See here for easy ways to play a macro.

Blue dot Advantages: It's easy to insert graphics from the Insert menu or by using a QuickWord, style, or macro. And it's easy to create text boxes and add formatting or borders/fills to them (right-click on the box). Either type of stamp can be positioned (even dragged) almost anywhere on a page except in the non-printable areas that are dictated by your currently selected printer. Stamps can be used as a watermark to display them as background images on all pages.

Blue dot Disadvantages: If placed on a normal document page (i.e., not in a watermark), text boxes and graphic images can sometimes shift position relative the the text around them even if their position is "anchored" to the current page; if this happens, right-click the item and set the Position to paragraph or character (if possible) so that they are more likely to maintain their relative position during editing. Or, put them in a watermark where they will show up as a background image on the page and all subsequent pages (until replaced or discontinued; for more details on this, see here).

More information on Methods B, C, and D above:

  Use an existing Corel graphic image for the stamp (included with some WordPerfect versions) inside a watermark.

[From "Robin" at WordPerfect Universe here:]
"... you can access a diagonal "draft" watermark and a "confidential" watermark (not diagonal) in the Watermark feature. To access the watermarks:
[1] Insert, Watermark.
[2] Choose Watermark A, then click Create.
[3] On the Property Toolbar (right above the ruler), click the Image button.
[4] Choose the Business folder and then choose the Text folder. [N.B.: You might need to first navigate to CD#2 and then choose the folder and watermark, with some versions of WordPerfect.] The draft watermark is listed as watrm004.wpg. The confidential watermark is listed as watrm002.wpg. There are others as well that you might find interesting...."

Related Tip:

To use this stamp more easily in future documents, make a QuickWord from the resulting [Watermark] code:
Click inside Reveal Codes and place the cursor to the left side of the [Watermark] code. Press the <Shift+RightArrow> key to select just the [Box] code. Click Tools, QuickWords, and type an abbreviation for the new image stamp (e.g., \DRAFT). Make sure "Expand QuickWords when you type them" is checked (enabled), and under the Options button, you have selected "Expand as text with Formatting." [For more on QuickWords see here.]

From now on, just type the QuickWord abbreviation -- plus a space, tab, or hard return -- and it will place the watermark code on the current page. (Backspace to delete the space or tab or return.)

 Create a custom text stamp with Corel Presentations - part of the WordPerfect Office Suite (in most versions).

If you have WordPerfect Office's Presentations installed you can create a custom diagonal (or otherwise rotated) graphic image stamp — which for our example here contains nothing but text characters — that can be saved to disk or saved as a QuickWord for instant access in any WordPerfect document.


The instructions below were developed in Presentations Graphics X8 and tested in Presentations Graphics 2020, but they should be reasonably similar for some other versions.

The method follows a similar method posted by Charles Rossiter in 2008 on WordPerfect Universe here.


Presentations often produces a more professional text stamp. And because the text stamp is a graphic image box, if it is pasted inside a Watermark it automatically adjusts in size to fit between the left and right page margin guidelines and it will be automatically "faded" behind the document pages.

The method should only take 10-15 minutes (maybe less) the first time you use it, and the result can be saved for future use in any WordPerfect document.

Basically you just type the text into Presentations, rotate it, copy the resulting image, and then paste it into WordPerfect.

Step 1

Open Presentations Graphics
[version#] in Windows. (WordPerfect can be open or closed.)

Note: In some earlier WordPerfect Office versions the program is just named Presentations instead of being split off as a separate module. In those versions just open Presentations and select "Presentations Drawing" from the Create New drop list, and then click on Create.

In the main Presentations Graphics window an empty editing screen area will appear under the menu and toolbars.

[Shown: Presentation Graphics 2020]

Step 2

From the Presentations top menu, click on Insert, Text Line.

When you make that selection a context-sensitive property bar appears directly below the top toolbar. It should show a drop list of font names (e.g., Times New Roman) and other options


Instead of using Insert, Text Line you could choose Insert, Text Box to create a multi-line stamp (i.e., words that are separated by the Enter key), or to re-size the box to fit the text, center the text, etc.

Step 3

Select the font and font size you wish to use from the property bar.
For example, you can use Times New Roman 36-point (which is used in this example). You can click on the B button if you want to use bold text (which can often improve the appearance of the final stamp).

Step 4

Move the mouse cursor down into the empty screen area in Presentations.
(Notice that the mouse cursor is temporarily crosshair-shaped (+).)

Click anywhere in that screen area to create a vertical insertion cursor (|).
Give yourself a little room to allow for rotating the text.

Then type the word(s) you wish to use for your page stamp, such as the word "DRAFT" or "CONFIDENTIAL":

Note: You can insert symbols with Ctrl+W. Right-clicking on the text brings up a context menu to allow you to select other formatting choices — or use the various available options on the property bars.

Tip: Bold text often improves the result; just place the insertion cursor on the text and click the B button on the property bar. (But for this example we are just keeping things simple with plain text.)

Step 5

Click anywhere outside of the text area.

Notice that four drag handles (small black squares) will appear around the word as in the image below.  (If they do not appear, just click on the text.)

These let you resize the image box by click-dragging a handle with your mouse.

TIp: It might be better to choose an appropriate font size in the first place (Step 3) rather than by changing the size of the image box.

Step 6

With the drag handles still visible
(if not visible, just click directly on the text) either -

right-click on the text and choose Rotate from the context menu
- or -
from the main menu (shown below) select Edit, Arrange, Rotate. (Some earlier versions have located this option under the Graphics button that appears when the image is selected.)

The drag handles should change into eight double-headed arrows:

Pass your mouse cursor over one of the curved double-headed arrows at one of the four corners of the image until it turns into a double-headed cursor arrow:

You can now left-click the double-headed cursor and drag (i.e., rotate) the entire word in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. 
    - or -
You can use the angle tool Angle tool  on the property bar to specify an exact angle.

For example, here's the image rotated diagonally from lower left to upper right:

Note 1: If the image is partly off-screen you can left-click on the image and drag the entire image to a new location — e.g., downward — so that it is completely visible on screen.

Note 2: Clicking and dragging the arrows between the four corners allows creating words with a different slant. Notice also the small bull's-eye symbol in the center of the image; this represents the axis about which the image can be rotated; you can drag this symbol to another location if desired.

Step 7

Click (to choose) the selection tool
(it's a black up-arrow) at the top of the left vertical toolbar (or if that toolbar isn't visible, click Edit, Select) to return the drag handles to small black squares.

Optional: On the left vertical toolbar (or on the top Format menu), you can select a Foreground Fill Color for the letters of the word. Try some of the other effects, such as a different fill pattern. Press Ctrl+Z to undo any changes.

Step 8

Click on the image to select it (or click Edit, Select on the menu).

Then press Ctrl+C (or click Edit, Copy on the menu) to copy the image to the Windows clipboard.

Optional: At this point you can save the image to disk* — but this is not necessary if you follow the rest of these instructions.

However, if you save it to disk you can record a macro in WordPerfect to insert it when needed, instead of using a QuickWord
(see below).

* You can save it to disk while it's on-screen in Presentations with File, Save, [•]Selected items, OK.
The default image format is .WPG but you can choose any one of several standard formats in the File Type field on the Save or Save As window, including .GIF, .JPG, .PNG, etc.

Step 9

Open (or r
eturn to) WordPerfect, and either -

paste the copied image from Step 8 into a document (Ctrl+V)
- or -
create a watermark with Insert, Watermark and paste the copied image into the watermark screen. (When using a watermark to hold the image, the image will fill the screen between all four of the current page margin guidelines.)

Options for the image when it is in WordPerfect:

•  You can click on the pasted image in WordPerfect to select it, and use a drag handle to resize it, or right-click it and set the Size.

•  You can drag the image into position when the cursor turns to four-headed arrow, or right-click it and set the Position from the context menu that appears.

•  Right-click on the image for additional choices. For example, you can set the Style to "Watermark" which "fades" the image and makes it transparent to document text. [Alternatively. see the Watermark option below, which allows it to appear on the current and subsequent pages.]

•  You can wrap document text around the image: With the image selected, right-click on it and select Wrap, Behind Text, OK. [The Graphics property bar provides some other options.] But see next option:

•  Note that if you have pasted the image into a watermark it already will appear "behind text" in the main document and it will be lightly shaded; if you click outside the image while inside the Watermark screen you can use the Watermark property bar to adjust the image's shading and placement (on odd, even, or all pages).
    If inside a Watermark you can also type additional text (e.g., your organization's name).
    If you are working in a watermark just click the Close button on the watermark property bar (or use File, Close) to exit from the watermark window.

•  You can create a border around the image: First create a WordPerfect Text Box (see the Insert menu) and then paste the image into it. This creates a bordered text box. (Text boxes can also be dragged into different positions. Also, right-click on the Text Box for borders, fills, and other options.)

A suggestion for the future use of the image:

You can create a QuickWord from the image for easier use in the future:

Click inside Reveal Codes and place the cursor to the left side of the [Box] code. Press the <Shift+RightArrow> key to select just the [Box] code.

Click Tools, QuickWords, and type an abbreviation for the new image stamp (e.g., \CONFIDENTIAL, \DRAFT, etc.).

Make sure "Expand QuickWords when you type them" is checked (enabled), and under the Options button, you have selected "Expand as text with Formatting."

From now on, just type the QuickWord abbreviation plus a space, tab, or hard return and it will place the stamp on the current page (or in a watermark, if your cursor is inside one). Backspace to delete the space or tab or return, if desired.

Step 10



If you have saved the image to disk (step 8 above):

You can record a macro in WordPerfect with Tools, Macro, Record to insert it with Insert, Graphics, From File. You can then assign the saved macro to keystrokes or to a toolbar button or menu. See here for easy ways to play a macro.

  Create a text box or table cell containing the text stamp.

If you don't have Presentations installed as in the previous method (or you just want to use a different method) here are some other ways to create the text stamp:

•  Text box: For setting text at 90-degree angles (90, 180, 270 degrees) to normal text:

[1] Create the text box (Insert, Text box) and insert the text in it.

[2] Resize and reposition the box if desired using one of the drag handles (small  squares) on the hatched perimeter of the box (or you can right-click on the box later and choose "Position").

[3] Click outside the box to de-select it, then right-click on the box and choose "Content" on the context menu that appears.

[4] Rotate the text clockwise either 90, 180, or 270 degrees by clicking one of the radio buttons on that dialog.

•  Table cell: For intermediate angles (such as 45-degree diagonal text) you can first put the text in a single cell table, which (like all tables) has a skew text feature. (For WordPerfect 9 and later versions.) See Footnote 3 below for more information.

Tip: Right click on the table and choose Border/Fill to remove the borders and cell lines (under the Table tab in that dialog).

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WordPerfect's watermark feature (Insert, Watermark) is similar to using headers and footers (watermarks are also "repeating elements" and are superseded or discontinued in a similar way; see this page for more information).

Generally you would -

•  create a watermark (A or B) on the desired document page with Insert, Watermark;

•  insert one or more text boxes or graphics images in it, as described above (or merely type your text in large font, perhaps centered horizontally and vertically);

•  position the box(es) or image(s) as desired (either drag it or right-click the image and choose Position); and

•  close the Watermark window with the Close button on the watermark property bar (or with File, Close on the main menu) to return to your document.

Note that smaller boxes or images can be placed almost anywhere on a watermark page except in the non-printable areas dictated by your current printer.

Removal of the watermark is as easy as deleting the [Watermark] code in Reveal Codes while in the main document window. See this page for more information.

See Text Boxes and Graphic Images section on this page for some easy ways to create a DRAFT or COPY watermark. Also see the QuickWords section for an easy method of inserting the watermark stamp whenever needed.

Blue dot Advantages: Compared to headers and footers, a stamp in a watermark has the additional advantage of being able to be placed on other parts of the page, including stamps used as full-page background images or large text boxes with rotated contents outside normal margins.

You can also control the text or image's shading in a watermark. (Shading, or intensity, is controlled with a button on the property bar that appears when creating or editing a watermark.).

Blue dot Disadvantages: No major disadvantages. Some users may have a problem understanding how to remove a watermark, replace it, or discontinue it; if so, see this page for more information.

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Macros offer a fast and automated method of inserting (or even typing) text stamps such as "DRAFT" or the file name of the current document. They can also insert graphic images.

Examples of pre-made macros

•  DocStamp - "Document Stamper macro" - A macro to quickly toggle a user-specified document text stamp -- such as "DRAFT" or "COPY" -- on and off. The desired stamp can be chosen from a pop up menu.

•  EdgeText is a macro can place a short block of text (e.g., "DRAFT"), the date, and/or the filename at one of eight user-selectable places around the edge of the page, outside the page margins (as here). The macro uses a text box, and the user can choose to insert it in a watermark so it will print on all pages, or attach it to the current page.

•  FileStmp.wcm - WordPerfect ships with this macro, which inserts the complete filename in a chosen header or footer in the document. (Or, to insert the filename plus additional information, see the author's Filstamp).

•  PrntCopy is a macro prints a copy of your document marked with "Copy" or other single- or multi-line identifier stamp in any of nine locations. (Click here for a screen shot.)

•  TextBord is a macro that creates a border composed of user-selected words around the perimeter of the page.

•  TextBox
creates a box with rounded corners around document text. LetrBox does the same thing for single characters or symbols.

•  John Land created a macro (#Watermk.wcm) to produce any of several standard stamps in a watermark. The stamps (DRAFT, COPY, CONFIDENTIAL, etc.) can be placed in either watermark (A or B) and in nine locations on the page. Users can choose the font and size as well as the rotation angle (0, 90, 180, 270 degrees). [See screen shot.]

Removal of the stamp is generally the same as for headers, footers, or watermarks: delete the relevant code in Reveal Codes. (If text was actually typed by the macro, the text may need to be deleted.)

Blue dot Advantages: Macros can be assigned to a keystroke combination ("shortcut key") or to a toolbar button for quick and easy play. If created for company use, and if the macro inserts custom text as part of a macro code routine, they can be standardized and less prone to tampering. Using a macro such as EdgeText gives flexibility to the user in what is inserted in the stamp.

Blue dot Disadvantages: Creating a macro to insert a text box or insert a file image may require intermediate-level knowledge of programming with PerfectScript, since some commands dealing with such items are not recordable. (See Footnote 1 at the bottom of this page for some simple macro code to insert an existing image stored on disk.)

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[WordPerfect's QuickWords feature (under Tools, QuickWords) allows you to save a large block of material -- text, graphics, and even text or page formatting codes -- and have it inserted in any document with a few keystrokes. This is a good way to insert "boilerplate" text or special formatting such as a special page setup or a signature block.]

You can use a QuickWord (QW) to insert a previously designed watermark in the document. For example, to stamp documents as "DRAFT" you can create a watermark, then save the watermark code in a QuickWord.

•  First create the watermark. Open a new, blank document, then ...

•  Click Insert, Watermark...Create. (Choose the watermark least likely to be used for anything else -- probably Watermark B.)

•  Then either -
- click Insert, Graphics... to insert a graphic image that says "DRAFT" into the watermark (see the Text Boxes and Graphic Images section above to use Presentations to create the image; Mike Koenecke also has one here);

- use TextArt (Insert, Graphics, TextArt) to create an unusual text stamp in a watermark (to use TextArt to create a circular stamp of words on the page, see Footnote 2 below);


-  create a rotated text box inside the watermark that reads "DRAFT" and place it in the margin.

Note 1: The author's EdgeText macro mentioned above is played directly from the main document window -- not from inside the watermark editing window -- to create such a watermark. It creates a rotated text box in the margin of a watermark in which you can use the word "DRAFT." Similarly, John Land's #Watermk.wcm macro is played from the main document and can create any of several standard text stamps (including DRAFT). Once the watermark is created, proceed with selecting the watermark code as explained below.

Note 2: You can play EdgeText twice, once using Watermark A and once using Watermark B, to get additional information in the margins such as filename, date, etc.

Once the watermark is created -

•  [Optional:] You can discontinue (i.e., stop) the watermark on any following pages by clicking Format, Page, Delay Codes, 1, OK. The Define Delayed Codes window opens; click the Watermark button on the property bar, and choose the watermark (A or B), then click Discontinue. Click Close to return to the main document, where (in Reveal Codes) you should now see two codes: [Watermark][Delay].

•  Select just the watermark code (or if used, select the [Delay] code, too) in the Reveal Codes window. Selection may be easier by placing the insertion cursor in front of the [Watermark] code, then holding down the Shift key while you press the Right Arrow key;

•  click Tools, QuickWords, and give the new QW a name (e.g., \draft or \copy -- generally you should precede a QW name with a backslash or other little-used "trigger" key to help prevent accidental insertion in the document);

•  click the Options button and select "Expand as text with Formatting." If you want the QW to expand as you type it (the typical case), make sure "Expand QuickWords ... " box is also checked at the bottom of the QW dialog box.

When you need the DRAFT watermark, just type the QW (plus a space, tab, or press <Enter>) on the page where you want it to begin. (If you have not checked the "Expand QuickWords..." box, the QW won't expand. However, you can expand all QWs at once by playing the EXPNDALL.WCM shipping macro.)

When you want to remove the watermark, just use Reveal Codes and drag the [Watermark] code from the Reveal Codes window (or use the Delete key to delete it).

Blue dot Advantages: Easy to use and modify (you can type the QW in a blank document, and when it expands, remove the trailing space and make the modifications; then select the modified material (again, using Reveal Codes for precision), and save the modifications back into the QW list, using the same QW name).

Blue dot Disadvantages: Requires you to remember the QW name, which means you may have to consult a list if you use lots of them. But for common tasks they can work quite well. Also, the "Expand QuickWords ... " box at the bottom of the QW dialog box can sometimes become unchecked (e.g., if you have a macro open for editing), rendering QuickWords temporarily inoperative. [Note: Some unofficial reports with early WordPerfect versions and/or older computers indicated that large numbers of QuickWords can be a "load" on the resources in the computer system, and can slow WP's operation.]


☼  A novel use of QuickWords: You can use QuickWords in some versions of WordPerfect to customize the return address in envelopes with different fonts or graphics to match your letterhead. Click here for more information.

☼  For more on using QuickWords to insert items in your document, see here.

☼  For more on various ways to insert boilerplate, see here.

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Another method, which may be easier to use than QuickWords (though slightly more difficult to create), is to create a WordPerfect custom style that will be available with a mouse click to set up the DRAFT, COPY, or other stamp in the current document.

Example: Here's how to set up a style that automatically -

•  (optionally) sets your document to print to your printer's draft paper tray, and

•  inserts a watermark to stamp "DRAFT" on all pages.

When you click on the custom style's name in the "Select Style" drop list on the text property bar it will insert two codes that can easily be deleted when you want to turn the document back into a final edition.

(Obviously, the first step — setting a page definition for type of paper and/or printer tray — is optional. It is used here to illustrate that you can set up styles to do multiple things — which, of course, you can also do with QuickWords. However, using a style name from the text property bar's drop list is often easier than trying to remember a QuickWord name. Moreover, there will be no extra space character left in the document, which happens when you type a QuickWord-plus-space to expand the QuickWord.)

[1] First, open a new document.

[2] Set up the draft page definition with Format, Page, Page Setup and choose your pre-defined Page Definition — one that was set up to print to the proper draft paper tray. This will insert a [Page Sz/Typ] code at the top of the current document. As mentioned, this is an optional step.

[3] Next, create a DRAFT watermark. (See above, under Watermarks.) When finished, close the watermark editing screen with File, Close. You should be back in the main document window.

[4] At the main document window, open Reveal Codes (View, Reveal Codes).

[5] In Reveal Codes, select the two codes [Page Sz/Typ][Watermark] and then copy (Ctrl+C) them to the Windows clipboard. Selection may be easier by placing the insertion cursor in front of the [Page Sz/Typ] code, then holding down the Shift key while you press the Right Arrow key twice.

Now, create the style.

[6] Click Format, Styles. This brings up the Styles window.  Optional (but recommended and if permitted in your company): Click the Options button, then choose Settings. Click the radio button, "Default template," then OK to return to the Styles window. The next style you create will be saved to your default template. (You will reset this radio button, below, after you finish creating the new style.)

[7] While in the Styles window, click Create to bring up the Styles Editor. Give your new style a name (e.g., Draft) and description, and for the Type, choose Document (open). While still in the Styles Editor, use the Editor's menu and click Edit, Paste. The two codes you copied to the clipboard should show up in the Contents field. (You could even add other formatting codes while in the Styles Editor.) Click OK. You will be taken back to the Style window.

[8] Optional (but recommended if you chose to use the option in Step 6 above): In the Styles window, click the Options button, then choose Settings. Click the radio button, "Current document" to reset the location setting back to the default, then click OK to return to the Styles window. Note that the assumption here is that you do not want future styles saved to the default template unless you explicitly save them there.

[9] Click Close. You should be back in the main document editing window.

[10] Whenever you need the style, click in the "Select Style" drop list on the property bar and select "Draft." (Alternatively, use Format, Styles to select and then Insert the style.)

Removing the style when you no longer need it -

•  To remove the style from the current document, drag the [Open Style: Draft] code from the Reveal Codes window.

•  To remove the style from the default template in the future (if you saved it there in the optional Step 6 above) click File, New from Project (or just New in WP8 or earlier), and in the top drop list, choose (i.e., select) "Custom WP Templates." The "Create a blank document" choice is the default template on which all new blank documents are based. Click the Options button, Edit WP Template. The filename at the top should read "wpNXX.wpt" — where "N" is your version of WP (e.g., 18 for WPX8), and "XX" is your language version, such as US English. Then click Format, Styles, choose "Draft" then click Options, then Delete. When you are back in the template's main document screen, click File, Save, then File, Close.

Blue dot Advantages: Styles are easier to use than a QuickWord, since you don't need to remember the QuickWord: the style name is available with a mouse click from the Text property bar's drop list.

Blue dot Disadvantages: A little harder to create and modify than a QuickWord, and such "document stamping" styles are broadly useful only if they are stored in the default template — which may not be desirable or permitted in your company.

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Third party utilities

Example: FinePrint (https://fineprint.com/fp/)

While there are other programs to "stamp" text on the pages of a document, my favorite is FinePrint, which I've used for many years. It's a mature product and is actively updated periodically. [I have no relation to the company; I'm just a satisfied user of the Workstation edition (i.e., for use on a single PC).]

It can save a lot of money on ink/toner and paper, especially if you use it to preview the output in the FinePrint pop-up window before committing it to print, or if you use multiple pages face up on single sheets, or if you print booklets (which I find to be MUCH easier than using WordPerfect's own feature and with less paper waste) or other double-sided output (even on a non-duplex printer!).  I've even set it as my Windows default "printer" since it's easy to bypass FinePrint when desired.

You can create your own rotated text stamp watermarks in FinePrint — called "Page Tags" by specifying any desired degree of rotation and either single- or multi-line text. (Each stamp can be formatted differently font, opacity, angle, date/time, total pages printed, etc.) The chosen stamp is applied at print time and it can be set to appear on every page or just on the first page from the FinePrint window. (If you don't want to use the stamp just untick the box, "Page tag".)

It works in any other Windows program, too. Basically, once you install it a simple process FinePrint can be selected from the program's Print option, the same as you would choose a physical printer on your system. Much like creating a PDF file in WordPerfect, the output will be an exact graphic image of the pages in your document.

FinePrint intercepts your program's output, converts it to a graphic image (similar to what creating a PDF does), and displays in on screen in a separate FinePrint window where you can then make additional choices if desired, including
•  where, how, and what to print from your program's output;
•  deleting, cutting, and pasting to remove or rearrange pages;
•  optionally adding items to the printout such single-line or multi-line page tags using watermarks or separate headers/footers on the printed pages;
•  adding page numbering, borders, notes, shapes, highlighting, redaction, binding and gutter specifications, saving and using your own letterhead, etc.;
•  combining print jobs (and dragging Job names to rearrange them);
(Click the hamburger icon [] on the FinePrint window to access Settings.)

Note that FinePrint's print settings and other choices are "sticky" between Windows sessions and they are easily toggled on or off with a checkbox, so a quick look at the screen and a mouse click are typically all you need to send the print job on to the physical printer or to any (separate) PDF driver installed on your system. Just choose the destination from FinePrint's printer list and click the appropriate printer icon.

FinePrint features (from their website; also see a short video demo there):
•  Universal print previewer (saves paper if you just want to preview the output)
•  Delete unwanted pages before printing
•  Remove graphics for the print job (saves ink/toner)
•  Convert output to grayscale
•  Lighten content to save ink
•  Enlarge page content before printing
•  Remove unwanted text on a page 
•  Remove blank pages
•  Crop pages
•  Edit text
•  Sign and mark up print jobs from the FinePrint window
•  Print multiple pages on a single sheet (2-up, 4-up, booklet, etc.)
•  Double sided printing on any printer with any print job (a "sticky" setting)
•  Print electronic letterhead
•  Redact ("black out") text
•  Print letterhead (create one in WordPerfect!), add FP headers/footers
•  Archive print jobs in case you need to re-print them
•  Free trial can be downloaded on their site

See also "Using FinePrint" here: https://fineprint.com/fptutorials/

Blue dot Advantages (for WordPerfect): In addition to the Features listed above, page Tags (a.k.a., text stamps) will appear on all pages (unless a FinePrint option is set to appear on only the first page) in the proper orientation even when mixing Portrait and Landscape in the same WordPerfect document (which can sometimes be problematic).

Also, booklet printing can be much easier since no extra formatting (e.g., dividing pages and reducing font size, etc.) is required in WordPerfect (or any other Windows program). The program simply creates an exact image of your pages, and then sets up the proper booklet font/back page format and pagination. An option in Settings lets you divide the booklet into sub-booklets for the current print run; hence, select the number of sheets to print for each sub-booklet.

Blue dot Disadvantages: A small one: It's not a free program — it's about US $50 at the time of this writing. But in my opinion it's well worth the cost in future paper/ink/toner savings for most SOHO users it should pay for itself in a year or so (or even in less time) and for the increased convenience it can provide in dealing with printed documents. There's also free trial available.

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Footnote 1
[...continued from above:]

Inserting a graphic with a macro is something you may find difficult to do. Below is a macro code snippet that should do the job. [To copy the code into your WordPerfect program to create a working macro, see here.]

Note that vFName stores the full path and filename of the file that contains the graphic image.
vFName:="C:\Images\MyGraphic.wpg" // (<- example)
BoxCreate (BoxType: "Image")
BoxContentType (Content: Image!)
BoxImageRetrieve (Action: MakeInternal!;
BoxWidth (Width: AutoWidth!)
BoxUpdateDisplay ()
BoxEnd (Save!; Hide!)
(Thanks to Charles Rossiter for posting this snippet on the old Corel Newsgroups.)

Footnote 2
[...continued from above]

Here's how to create a
circular stamp of words on the page with TextArt. (Note that some versions of WordPerfect might not have the TextArt feature.)

Notes and tips
¤  Once created, the stamp can be quickly inserted as a Watermark whenever needed, using a QuickWord. See instructions below.

¤  See a screen shot of a circular "DRAFT" stamp here. And here's another screen shot of a circle stamp used as a replacement watermark for an Award Certificate (which is available in recent versions of WordPerfect in File, New from Project).

¤  You can download CircText.zip — which contains a WPD document that includes both the instructions below and the DRAFT watermark.

(The following was done in WordPerfect X5, but it should be the same procedure in other versions.)
[1] Click File, New to open a new, blank document as a workspace to create a new TextArt image.

[2] Click Insert, Graphics/Pictures (or just Graphics in earlier versions), TextArt. The TextArt dialog opens; drag it out of the way so that you can see the image box.

[3] Under the General tab, choose the image shape that has a small letter "a" over a rotating arrow symbol. This image represents circular text.

[4] Choose a Font (e.g., Arial Narrow), and Font style. (Leave Justification set to Centered.)

[5] In the "Type here:" field, type the word or words (e.g., DRAFT, Not For Circulation, etc.), press the <Spacebar>, then (optionally) click the Insert Symbol button. Choose a "dot" or other symbol as a separator, click Insert, then press <Spacebar> again. Repeat entering text/symbols until the circle is complete. (You may need extra space characters at the beginning and/or end of the text string.) Click Close to exit from the Symbols dialog.

[6] Choose the 2D Options tab. Click Pattern and select None (or choose a preferred pattern; you probably will want to use a Fill unless you want to use just an Outline — see below). Click OK.

[7] Click the Shadow button a choose a shadow, etc. (The center square represents No Shadow.) Click OK.

[8] Click the Outline button and choose an outline for each letter. (You may prefer None, since outlines tend to obscure a document's body text.) Click OK.

[9] Click the Text Color button, and click on a color. To use the stamp in a Watermark (as suggested here), you probably will want to choose a fairly light shade (e.g., very light gray).

[10] Click Close on the TextArt dialog to return to your document.

[11] Right-click on the image and choose Size from the context menu that appears. Set the Width and Height to the same value (e.g., 6" x 6"). Click OK.

[12] Right-click the image again and choose Position. Set the Horizontal and Vertical position to zero inches and "Center on Margins." Click OK.

[13] If the box is still selected (the 8 drag handles are displayed), press <Ctrl+C> to copy the image to the Windows clipboard. If it is not selected, right-click on it and choose Select Box, then press <Ctrl+C>. Click outside the box to deselect it.

[14] Open a new, blank document and click Insert, Watermark, (choose A or B), Create. When in the Watermark window, press <Ctrl+V> to paste the image. (You can resize it if desired by right-clicking the image and choosing Size. You might also want to adjust the shade of the image using the button on the watermark property bar, which is a bit easier to do than re-editing the TextArt image.) Click outside the image to deselect it.

[15] Close the Watermark window with the Close button on the Watermark property bar (or use File, Close).

[16] You should now be back in the document. Type or paste some text into the document, then print the page to see the results. You can always edit the image by editing the Watermark, right-clicking the image, clicking Content, then Edit. The TextArt dialog should appear and let you change the text, color, etc.

[17] Finally, you can make a QuickWord from the Watermark so that you can insert the new text stamp quickly with a few keystrokes any time you need it.

Optional: You can discontinue (i.e., stop) the watermark on following pages. On the page with the Watermark code, click Format, Page, Delay Codes, 1, OK. The Define Delayed Codes window opens; click the Watermark button on the property bar, and choose the watermark (A or B) you have set up for your stamp, then click Discontinue. Click Close to return to the main document, where (in Reveal Codes) you should now see two adjacent codes: [Watermark][Delay].

Select just the watermark code
(or, if used, select the [Delay] code, too) in the Reveal Codes window. Selection may be easier by placing the insertion cursor in front of the [Watermark] code, then holding down the Shift key while you press the Right Arrow key.

Click Tools, QuickWords, and give the new QW a name (e.g., \draft or \copy — generally you should precede a QW name with a backslash or other little-used key to help prevent mistakes).

Click the Options button and select "Expand as text with Formatting." If you want the QW to expand as you type it (the typical case), make sure "Expand QuickWords ... " box is checked at the bottom of the QW dialog box.

Tip: You can also record a macro to insert the new QuickWord instead of typing the QuickWord:
•  Click on Tools, Macro, Record;
•  give the macro a name;
•  position the cursor in the document;
•  select the QuickWord with Tools, QuickWords;
•  click Insert as Text;
•  stop the macro recording with the Stop button on the macro toolbar.

The macro can then be assigned to a menu, toolbar button, or shortcut key, as explained here.

Footnote 3

[Continued from "Create a text box or table cell containing the text stamp" above:]

Example:  Create a single cell table to produce a diagonal text stamp (e.g., "CONFIDENTIAL") inside a watermark.

It doesn't have to be included in a watermark, but this is the most common use of diagonal text stamps, given their large size.

[Screen shot of an example created with the steps below.]

The method takes a few minutes to perform — but you can then save the resulting text stamp for future use, as explained below.

Note: This method is for WordPerfect version 9 and later.
- - -

Step 1.  Create the one-cell table containing the text.

•  IMPORTANT:   Close and re-open WordPerfect to ensure the program's table creator module is reset to factory defaults. (WordPerfect retains some table settings for the current session, so you will want to start with the default values.)

The new, blank document will be used as a work space. The document is assumed to have 1" page margins.
[We'll call it Document #1.]

•  Set the page Zoom level (View, Zoom) to Full Zoom. This makes it easier to follow your progress as you do the next steps.

•  Click on Table, Create and create a 1-column, 1-row table (i.e., a table with one cell). Click the Create button to return to the document, where you should see a full-width, single cell table.

•  Enter the desired text (e.g., CONFIDENTIAL) in the table cell. Suggestion: "Pad" spaces between words in a phrase with text characters/symbols, not spaces (e.g., •Confidential•Copy•).

•  Format the text: Select the text and choose a font type and font size — e.g., Times New Roman, 36 point (72 points = 1 inch). Recommended initial size: plus-or-minus 36 to 72 points; larger size for shorter words (e.g., "COPY").

•  Format the table: Click outside the table, then right-click on the table and choose Format from the pop up context menu.

The "Properties for Table Format" dialog appears:

▸ Under the Cell tab:

Set Align Cell Contents: Horizontal = All, Vertical = Center.
Set both Inside Margins in Cell to zero (0").
All other items set to their default.

Under the Column tab:

Set Align Contents in Cells = Center.
Set Column Width to 2" (assuming 48 point text; this can be adjusted later if desired).
Set Inside Margins in Column to zero (0").
All other items set to their default.

Under the Row tab:

Set Row Height to Fixed at 5.5" (assuming 8.5" wide paper with 1 inch left/right margins).
Set Row Margins to zero (0").
All other items set to their default.

Under the Table tab:

Set Align Contents in Cells = Center.
Set Table Position on Page to "From Left Edge" and amount to 0.500".
Set Column Width (all columns) to 2".
Set Inside Margins in All Columns to zero (0").
All other items set to their default.

Under the Skew tab:

Set the Skew Settings to "Top Right".
Click on the "More" button and set the Skew Rows = Top, and the angle to 45 degrees (<- positive number, not negative).
Skew Text should be enabled (ticked).
Set Skew Columns = <None>.
All other items set to their default.

•  Return to the document with OK. You should see the text stamp inside an upwardly angled (45-degree) table cell.

•  Save the document as a backup.

Optional adjustments (save the document again if you use them):

Adjust the font size of the text, if desired.

Move the text downward slightly inside the table cell by placing the cursor at the beginning of the text characters and using Format, Typesetting, Advance, Horizontal Position, "Right from insertion point". Try setting it to 0.5" (1/2 inch) in this example. You might need to use a different amount depending on the font and font size of the stamp. (Centering the entire table vertically on the page is covered in Step 2.)

Remove the border around the cell: Right-click on the cell, choose Borders/Fill, and under the Table tab set the Default Cell Lines to "X". Click OK. (Table guidelines might still be visible but they will not print.)

Step 2.  Insert the table into a watermark so it will display on the current and subsequent pages (for use on just the current document page see the Tip in Step 3)

In Reveal Codes you should see (at a minimum) these codes and characters:

[Tbl Def][Row]
[Font Size]CONFIDENTIAL][Font Size][Tbl Off]

•  Place the cursor at the beginning of all these codes — i.e., just to the left of the [Tbl Def] code.

•  Click Format, Typesetting, Advance, Vertical Position, "From top of page." This shifts the entire stamp downward on the page. Try setting the downward position to about 2" for this example.

Alternative: Instead of using the Typesetting feature to adjust the vertical position of the table you can use Format, Page, Center, Current Page. This will center the table text vertically on the page — but it can display the text outside the single-cell table's dotted on screen guidelines, which might be disconcerting. Fear not, the text will print properly (guidelines don't print). Hence, use whichever method works for you.

The table's text should now be centered horizontally and vertically.


- You can use File, Print Preview to see the basic stamp and its position on the page.

- If you used the Typesetting, Advance feature for vertical positioning, minor adjustments can be made with the Typesetting commands. In Reveal Codes, just double click on the [VAdv] code and make your change in the Advance dialog that appears.

•  In Reveal Codes, select all items (using Shift+Arrow makes it easier), then copy the selection to the clipboard with Ctrl+C.

•  Open a new, blank document (File, New).
[We'll call it Document #2.]

•  Click Insert, Watermark, Watermark B, Create. (Watermark B was chosen because it is less likely than Watermark A to be used in a document, but you can use Watermark A if desired. For more on using watermarks see here.)

•  Paste the copied material into the watermark editing window with Ctrl+V. Optional: Note that there should be a Watermark property bar visible above the ruler. There is a button on it to adjust text shading.

•  Close the watermark editing windows with the Close Editor icon on the property bar or with File, Close on the top menu. You should see a [Watermark] code in Reveal Codes, which contains the table and text. (If all text isn't visible, move the Zoom in/out to refresh the screen.)

•  Examine the result with File, Print Preview. If it needs adjustment, turn off Print Preview and return to Document #1 and/or Document #2 to make adjustments — or more directly, by double-clicking on the [Watermark] code to edit the watermark, then double-clicking on the appropriate Typesetting or Table codes to edit their values.

•  Save the document as a backup.

Step 3.  Save the watermark stamp for future use.

•  If the text stamp meets your requirements, the [Watermark] code can be selected in Reveal Codes and saved as a QuickWord for future use. This gives quick and easy access in any document by simply typing the QuickWord abbreviation in any document where you want it to appear. See QuickWords for more — including how to use a small macro to insert and automatically expand the QuickWord.

This watermark will display on the current page and all subsequent pages (until discontinued or superseded). On the other hand you could also create a QuickWord from the selected items described in Step 2 ([TblDef]..[TblOff]), while you are still in Document #1. That way, you could use the QuickWord stamp on just the page where the QuickWord is used, since the QuickWord would insert these codes in the body text of the document, not inside a watermark.

Footnote 4

[Continued from "Text boxes ... Method A" above]

You can use QuickWords to place small text boxes outside the margin, each one anchored to its adjacent paragraph, as in this example:

Sample text boxes outside page margin

1. Create a text box with Insert, Text Box. With the cursor inside the box type a character (e.g., a capital “M” for this example) in the box. (Here we will use capital letters but you could also use  numbers, symbols, etc.)

2. Move the cursor to the left of the typed character and center it with Format, Justification, Center.

[You could also use Right justification, and/or change the font type/size.]

3. Click anywhere outside the box to de-select it, then right click on the box and choose Size. Set the Width to 0.5" (or any required size) and the Height to “Maintain Proportions”.

4. Click outside the box to de-select it, then right click on the box and choose Position. Set the position to “Attach box to: Paragraph”. Set the Horizontal to 0" and “Left Edge of Page”. Set the Vertical to 0".

[You can optionally use "Left Margin" with a negative offset (e.g., -0.5") to place the box relative to the left page margin rather than the left edge of the page.]

5. Click outside the box to de-select it, then right click on the box and choose Border/Fill. In the dialog that opens choose the Advanced tab and then set the Spacing Inside to a minimum amount.
[You can also remove the border lines in the Border tab with the first style choice (<None>).]

6. The box should now be located outside page margins starting just to the right of the current printer’s non-printing area. (This location assumes the "Left Edge of Page" choice was made in step 4.) Click outside the box to de-select it. In Reveal Codes you should see a [Box] code at the beginning of the paragraph’s text (see image above).

[Need to adjust it?  You can right-click on it again to edit the box's width, height, position, borders and/or fill.]

7. In Reveal Codes select just that [Box] code (with Shift+Arrow) and create a QuickWord from it with Tools, QuickWords. For the QW abbreviation use something like \m (i.e., backslash-m) — or any other memorable abbreviation. Make sure the option to “Expand QuickWords when you type them” is enabled.

8. Repeat steps 1-7 with (using the example shown in the image) the letters “F” and “ALL” in the boxes (step 1) and corresponding unique QuickWord abbreviations (step 7) for those boxes.

[Note that you can always edit the text inside the box later by simply left-clicking inside it, or edit the text box itself by right-clicking on it.]


Now just -

[1] position the cursor in the appropriate paragraph
(preferably at the very beginning of the paragraph’s text); and
[2] type the QuickWord abbreviation (e.g., \m); and
[3] press the Spacebar to expand the abbreviation. *

In Reveal Codes the [Box] code should be placed at the top of that paragraph and will “travel” with it if you add or delete other text.

You might need to remove the space after the [Box].

Alternative to typing the QuickWord:

At the current cursor location you can use a one-line macro for each box that expands a QuickWord abbreviation — and without adding a space. For the QuickWord example above that expands '\m" to a box with an "M" inside it:

AbbreviationExpand (AbbreviationName: "\m"; Template: QuickWords!)

To copy this code into your WordPerfect program to create a working macro, see here. To make the macro easy to access you can assign it to a menu, toolbar, or keyboard shortcut: see here.

- - - - -
* - As noted on the QuickWords page (here), QuickWords will not expand if you have a macro toolbar or a merge toolbar showing on any open document (even if empty).

You can run the shipping macro macro Abbrev.wcm to force a QuickWord expansion immediately. You can also use the EXPNDALL.WCM macro to expand all QuickWords later (e.g., after the merge has finished).

Or just use the one-line macro above under "Alternative to typing..." whenever you often need to insert an expanded QuickWord.
- - - - -

Footnote 5

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